Products Air Circuit Breakers Full Range
Accessories All commonly required Accessories are also offered along with them as per the customer choice - Auxiliary Switch, Shunt Release, Under Voltage release, Position and Indication Micro-Switch, etc. Also offered are certain Special Accessories like Capacitor Trip, Mechanical Inter-lock kit, different types of Busbar termination kit, etc.
User Friendly, easy to operate and maintain C&S ACB have features to make it very simple to operate. All type of ACB - even the Manually operated type come with Ratchet charging mechanism to enable effortless, gradual charging of mechanism spring so that, even highest rating ACBs can be charged very easily by any operator. All controls are visible and available in front - Auxiliary Switch, Sliding Contacts, etc. All the accessories like Shunt, closing coil, Under Voltage, etc are fitted in front and do not require calibrations
Safety Built-In The Drawout ACB can be racked in or out only when the TRIP push button is pressed thus ensuring ACB will not be racked in CLOSED condition. Safety Shutters are supplied as standard. Sliding window in front of both push button - CLOSE and TRIP, facilitates pad locking and avoiding un-authorized operation while maintenance.
National & International Certification These ACBs have been tested at various laboratories for their conformity to various standards - ASTA, CPRI, ERDA, etc and meets the Safety requirements as per European standards to carry CE marking. They have also undergone rigorous testing to establish their suitability for Marine applications.
These ACB are fit for use in diverse application and are in use in various
industries for last more than 15 years - Power Plants, Gas & Petro
Chemicals, Steel, Chemicals, Automobile Industry, Telecommunication &
Infrastructure, Buildings and Commercial Complexes, etc. They are also
being used in some of the very special applications - DC applications, 690
Volts system, Marine & Naval applications, etc.